Wednesday, November 11, 2015

What a difference two years can make

OMG, you guys. So I've been applying to all these different jobs online. Literally on like 10 different job search engines. Monster, Indeed, LinkedIn. You name it, I'm there. So this week I've been getting so many phone calls from strange numbers. I always think, "OMG, it's a job call back!" But it hasn't been that so far. Somehow or another, in my never ending (it seems) job hunt, I checked a box that said "contact me about furthering my education." So this morning I got FIVE (5) phone calls from this same number trying to get me to further my education. Hello, I have my education! If you're not calling about a job, step on. It's so frustrating.
 I live in the definition of a small town. Example: I can tell you the first, middle, and last name of everyone I graduated high school with, how many times they've been married, and how many children they have. When I decided to start studying to be a paralegal, I knew that it would be hard for me to find a job around here. I knew I would likely have to relocate to a bigger city with bigger law firms and thriving practices. I was cool with that. But I was not tied down at that time. Not that I consider Ryan to be tying me down, I wouldn't trade him for all the money and all the job offers on earth. But now, here I am, two years later, about to graduate, about to get married, about to move in with Ryan into a house that is even farther from the city.
Two years ago, I didn't even know Ryan. Two years ago, I had just gotten out of a terrible relationship that I allowed to go on for far, far too long. Two years ago, if you had told me, "Hillary, in just two years, you'll be married to the type of man that you've always dreamed of, the type of man who only makes you cry happy tears, the exact man that God himself created for you, because God knows, literally, how badly you need him." If you had said something like that to me in 2013, I probably would have cried, honestly, because I never would have believed you.
To bring it all home, I am a lucky girl. Even though searching for a job in this little bitty town is about to drive me to drink, I am still lucky. I am lucky because even though I'm so stressed out, when I can't handle it, I have Ryan, and he makes things better. And I have Jesus, who I know is working for my good according to his plan for my life. I trust that he will land me exactly where I need to be, because he always has in the past. I can look back at my life and see how God worked things out to my advantage so many times. All I can say is that, He does work in mysterious ways. And who knows, maybe this job hunt is going to take awhile, but in the end, maybe it will lead me to the place I'm supposed to be.

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