Friday, June 24, 2016

Q&A: What you need to know about our Wyoming move.

What's up, party people?! So, in light of the cross-country move that Ryan and I are about to undertake, the lovely people at the Odyssey have informed me that I can no longer write on their team. Sad times, yes. But don't worry, if you enjoy my writing, you can still check out my personal blog whenever you want to. I am sure that with the upcoming move, I will have a lot of thoughts, and writing is very therapeutic to me. So anyone reading this, welcome to the therapy session!

So how about this move? It's crazy, right? It did happen very suddenly. I know that a lot of my family and friends have some big questions. Keep reading and I will see if I can answer some of the tough ones.

1) How did you find this job in Wyoming?
I had been looking! It's no secret that Ryan and I love Wyoming. We are nature junkies to the core and Wyoming is an explorer's paradise. Ever since we met, we have been talking about how cool it would be to live and work in Wyoming. I just began looking for jobs in my profession that would put us in Wyoming or Montana and when I stumbled upon this one, I jumped at the opportunity to apply.

2) What kind of job is it and where exactly is it?
My official title is legal support specialist. My employment is through the State of Wyoming working for a public defender in the city of Gillette. I won't go into detail about the money or the benefits, but I will say that it is a significant amount more than what I am making here. Furthermore, I would say this is very close to what I consider to be my dream job. I can't imagine all of the cases I am going to get to see. Even if this move doesn't turn out to be permanent and somewhere along the way, we decide to move back to Alabama, this job will give me so much experience that I can take with me for wherever God puts me next.
We will be living in Gillette, Wyoming. It's in the northeast corner of the state. If you drive two hours north, you're in Montana. If you drive three hours east, you're at Mount Rushmore. If you drive five hours south, you're in Denver. And finally, if you drive 4 hours west, you're in Yellowstone. Yes, it snows there a lot (58 inches last winter). No, Ryan's parents will not be particularly close to us.

3) It's still just a job; why are you going so far away for a job?
You don't get it. It's not about the job. If it was just about the job, they would have to pay me at least $100/hour. This move is more about our faith than it is the job. Some people reject this answer when I tell them that, but it is the truth. We feel like God is calling us away from our home for a reason. Honestly, we don't know what that reason is yet, but I know it's something big.

4) What is Ryan going to do for work?
We don't know yet. Please pray that he can find a job quickly once we get out there. Our loved ones have expressed concern about this. It is scary, but to tell you the truth, I am not worried. Yes, I am confident in my husband and his skill set, but I am so much more confident in my God.
Ever since we said "yes" to this move, God has handled every obstacle that has been thrown in our path. If you were looking on from the outside, you may think, well, aren't they lucky. But my friend, it is so much more than luck. We have been on our knees praying our hearts out every single night and God has been answering prayer, after prayer, after prayer. I know he is going to provide for us, How could I possibly doubt him now?

5) Aren't you going to miss your friends? How are your families handling the news?
Of course we are going to miss our people here in Alabama. That is, perhaps, the worst part of it all. But as I have told my mother a thousand times, I am moving, I am not dying. Lord willing, we will back. Maybe not right away, but we will come home for visits and holidays. The world of technology is a wonderful thing. If you miss us, pick up the phone and give us a call! It will probably make our day! Furthermore, any time anyone wants to come and visit us, we have spare bedrooms and if you look hard enough, you can find a steal on some plane tickets.
As for our families, obviously they are sad to an extent. However, the majority of them have been very supportive. As for the rest of them, they will come around, because they love us and that love will conquer any sadness, anger, or abandonment they may feel. I'm sure of it.

6) Aren't you nervous?
Honestly, not anymore. When we were waiting to hear back from the interview, when we had not made our decision, when we were waiting to hear from God, I was terrified. Ryan and I both were. We couldn't sleep at night so we mostly just stayed up talking and praying and occasionally, crying. God made it clear to us that if I was offered this job, we were supposed to take this leap of faith and go with it. As soon as I said yes, it was like God shielded us from any fear, nervousness, or anxiety we might feel. I haven't been able to feel anything but joy and peace and overwhelming excitement. People have said some pretty hurtful things to us in questioning this decision, but God has allowed me to see past all of that as well.

7) How can we help?
I've had people asking me this left and right! PRAY FOR US! That is the only thing I ask of you!

8) What should we pray for?
Pray that God will continue to shield us from all of the negative emotions that can come with such a huge change. Pray for our families, that God will give them peace about this and help them not to worry for us. Pray for traveler's mercy for us as we drive the 24 hours to our new home in Gillette. Pray that the sell on our home will continue to go smoothly. Pray that Ryan can find a job quickly. Pray that we can find a good church home where we can serve actively. Pray that God will put lost people in our paths and give us opportunities to tell our story.

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